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Microcredentials Empowering Skills Pathways

Hybrid Event
9:00 | 13:00 CET

Cooperation & partnerships


In an ever-evolving world where learning and work are increasingly intertwined, microcredentials emerge as a powerful tool for upskilling, reskilling, personal and professional growth. This conference brings together thought leaders, educators, employers, and policymakers to delve into the myriad applications of microcredentials across diverse fields.

We wish to explore real-world success stories, engage in interactive discussions, and forge connections that will shape the future of learning and work.

Join us in unlocking the potential of microcredentials to open doors, bridge gaps, and create new opportunities for all.


Palazzo del Lavoro
Piazza IV Novembre, 5 Milano

How to register

Login and click on “Register to the Hybrid Event” or
Register to create an Account, you will be automatically registered to join online.
Then, if you wish to attend IN PERSON, please click on the button “I will participate Live”. Please note that places are limited and we will confirm your seat in writing, by a separate email.
Do note hesitate to contact the secretariat for any assistance info(AT)

Introduction to Microcredentials

  • Registration and Networking (8.30)

Opening and Setting the Scene (9.00)

  • Welcome Address & Event Overview (Stefano Tirati – LD)
  • Keynote Speech: Assessment of Skills as the key Enabler (Oonagh McGirr – University of Leicester)

Use Cases & Piloting Initiatives

Microcredentials for Businesses in the Digital Age (9.40)

  • Microcredentials for Recruiting, Training & Talent Retention in HR (Irene Vecchione – Tack&Tmi | Gi Group)
  • Microcredentials for Gig Economy Workers (Stuart Martin – George Angus Consulting)
  • Microcredentials for Siemens SCE certification program on industrial automation (Carlo Cavicchioli – AZULchain)
  • Microcredentials Industry and Process Control (Adriano Gallea – Prima Power)
  • Microcredentials for the Digital and Green transition of the Post Operators (Sotiria Tsalamani and Antonio Gennarelli – EVBB)
  • Panel: Real-world Applications of Microcredentials for Industry (Moderated by Marcello Bogetti – School of Management – Torino University)

Microcredentials for Inclusive Integration & Diverse Career Pathways (11.00)

  • Microcredentials for Migrants and Refugees (Alessandro Mele – Cometa)
  • Certifying Transversal Skills of Professional Athletes (Chiara D’Angelo Università Cattolica, Gabriele Ganeto – Sport2Next & Lighthouse Geo)
  • Panel: Making Skills visible within Informal Education through Microcredentials (Moderated by Stefano Tirati – Learningdigital)

Coffee Break (11:40)

Beyond Formal Education (12.00)

  • Microcredentials Revolutionising Education Beyond Formal Pathways (Monica Verzola – EVTA)
  • Microcredentials for Teacher Training (Rita Festi – Scuola Centrale Formazione)
  • Continuous Professional Development of Teachers & Trainers (Antonios Glaros – Greek Qualification Agency)
  • Panel: Boosting Innovation in Education via Microcredentials (Moderated by Oonagh McGirr – University of Leicester)

Closing Session

Interactive Discussion (12.45)

  • Questions & Answers
  • Closing Remarks
  • Networking

Background Documents

Selected Literature

Event Materials

Video Recordings



WAM_Meeting_Web banner
Language: English
Date: 30/11/2023
Time: 9:00 | 13:00 CET
Hosted by: AZULchain
Promoted by: VET4EU2
WAM_Meeting_Web banner
Language: English
Date: 30/11/2023
Time: 9:00 | 13:00 CET
Hosted by: GI GROUP
Promoted by: WAM Foundation


Oonagh McGirr
College Director Principal - Leicester University
Stefano Tirati
CEO - Learningdigital
Chiara D'Angelo
Assistant Professor - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Monica Verzola
Member of the Board - EVTA
Marcello Bogetti
Director - SAA School of Management - Turin University
Irene Vecchione
CEO Tack&Tmi
Alessandro Mele
Direttore - Cometa
Rita Festi
Programme Design - Scuola Centrale Formazione
Stuart Martin
George Angus Consulting
Antonios Glaros
Director - EOPPEP
Adriano Gallea
Human Resources Manager - PRIMA INDUSTRIE
Carlo Cavicchioli
Carlo Cavicchioli
Business Partner - AZULchain
Antonio Gennarelli
Antonio Gennarelli
Project Manager - EVBB
Sotiria Tsalamani
Sotiria Tsalamani
Project Manager - EVBB
Gabriele Ganeto
Gabriele Ganeto
Founder - Sport2Next & Project Manager - Lighthouse Geo

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